There are so many things that are different about 2020, but one thing remains the same: the holidays can be stressful, both for you and your pet.  

 While you are juggling travel plans, being the perfect host, and getting everything in the oven at the right time, the changes in routines, new smells, and different people can be stressful for your pet as well.

When your pet feels anxious, it can lead to destructive behaviors like chewing, barking, panting, and pacing for dogs, or scratching, hiding, or urine marking for cats.

Here are 3 tips to help your pet stay calm so you can all enjoy the holidays!

1) Try to Stick to Your Normal Routine

A change in routine can be a trigger for your pet, so if possible, stick to your normal routine with your dog or cat as much as possible.  If you always go on a walk at 8:00am, and then have breakfast right afterwards, try to continue to do that.  If you need to set a phone alarm to remember that 2:30pm means play time, do that.  Scheduling in extra cuddles never hurts to make sure they feel well loved and not forgotten! 

2) Make Time for a Morning Walk / Other Exercise 

As they say, a tired pup is well behaved pup!  Especially if your dog can get over-excited or anxious with guests, it is a great idea to wear them out before the excitement starts.  That way, rather than having to apologize to Aunt Pam for Rocky jumping and getting dirt on her festive sweater, she can admire him snoozing in the corner.  "My, what a calm dog you have!"  

3) Have Your Calming Solutions Ready!

Your pet may need a space away from all the noise and commotion, so we recommend setting up a room for them where they can get away from the action.  It should be quiet, and include their food, water, bed, and some toys!  

If you have a ThunderEase calming diffuser, make sure to have it plugged in.  By mimicking a mother's nursing pheromones, it helps your dog feel calm all day long.  If you'd like to learn more about pheromones, check out this blog post.

If there are people coming over and that can be a trigger for your dog, try giving them ThunderWunders Calming Chews about 30 minutes before your guests arrive.  These chews are made in the USA, vet recommended, and promote rest and relaxation for your dog through calming ingredients such as melatonin, and L-Tryptophan.  

And of course, this is the perfect time to get your ThunderShirt calming wrap out!  Like swaddling an infant, our patented design applies gentle, constant pressure that has helped to calm all types of fear and over excitement issues in millions of dogs.

We see great results when you combine the powers of calm, and use multiple solutions at once.  Just ask Tater Tot - this was the best nap of her life! 

Calm Puppy


Keep Calm, and Holiday On!  If you have questions, feel free to contact us at 866-892-2078 or


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