If your dog gets so excited for a walk that it is hard to get their leash on, get a quick and easy start with ThunderSnap! ThunderSnap uses powerful magnets and a steel ball-bearing latch mechanism to quickly and securely connect to any standard D-ring dog collar.


Let your dog sniff around. It's the way they gather information about the world and it provides great mental stimulation after being cooped up all day. If your dog becomes too fixated on a spot, just make sure they haven't discovered something distasteful.


You're not the only one who needs to re-hydrate as you exercise. Always remember to bring plenty of water for you and your dog, especially if it is a longer walk.


Thunderleash for dogs


Make sure the pavement isn't too hot for your dog's paws!  A good way to test is to place your own hand on the street for 5 seconds - if it is uncomfortable for you, it is likely too hot for your dog!  If it is too hot, try to find a trail, or grassy area where you can walk!



Make sure your dog has proper identification for every walk. And if the jangling from your dog's tags gets too noisy, try ThunderCover to tone it down!


Finally, try the ThunderLeash for dogs who pull. ThunderLeash applies gentle, safe pressure around your dog's chest, which encourages them to stop pulling.  It clips onto your dog's collar like a standard leash.  If you are looking for additional tips on how to get your dog to stop pulling, please see this resource!


If you are interested in learning more about our walking solutions, please see our full leash collection.  If you have any questions about what kind of leash might be right for you, please do not hesitate to email us at service@thundershirt.com, or give us a call at (866) 892-2078.  We are always happy to help!  Happy walking!


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