As one of the most reported noise complaints in neighborhoods throughout the United States, excessive barking can take a frustrating and problematic toll on dog owners. From costly fines, police warnings and dealing with irritated neighbors, to risking potential revocation of a pet, this negative behavior poses a serious threat to the overall well-being of pets nationwide.

Excessive barking is more than just a nuisance; it can be a sign that a pet is unhappy, unhealthy and should be attended to immediately. Pinpointing the exact cause of excessive barking can be difficult to identify. Many blame poor training, hunger and boredom. But, what pet owners may not know is that barking, along with a myriad of other negative dog behaviors, is commonly rooted in anxiety and stress.

By treating the anxiety and stress, a calmer dog will exhibit fewer symptoms of anxiety. At ThunderWorks, we know that excessive barking can result from a dog’s separation anxiety from their owner, fear of strangers and more. And, that’s exactly why it’s our mission to make products that treat and calm dogs.  By treating the anxiety, the negative behaviors that occur are reduced. Curious about which products might be best to treat your dog? Visit to see what would work for you!


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