ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar

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ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar
ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar
ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L
T08-D-Collar-S | T08-D-Collar-L

ThunderEase® Calming Collar for Dogs


Over 80% of ThunderEase® Users Saw Improvement in Their Dog's Stress Issues* 

Is your dog a generally nervous pup who seems to always be a little on edge? Do they have separation stress, and hate to be left alone?  Does something small, like someone ringing the door bell, set them off into a barking frenzy?  ThunderEase® could help your dog to feel much calmer, all day long!  

ThunderEase® mimics the calming pheromone that a mother dog emits while nursing her puppies, which helps your dog to feel calmer and more comfortable in stressful situations! Deliver calming messages, helping your dogs feel comfortable and secure at home. 

ThunderEase® uses the #1 Vet recommended Adaptil formula, which helps dogs adjust to challenging situations and curb unwanted stress related behaviors.   

Great for reducing:

  • Travel / Vet Stress
  • Uneasiness in a new home or environment
  • Fear of loud noises like thunder/fireworks
  • General fearfulness 
  • Stress when boarding / kenneling
  • Separation stress


Which ThunderEase® for Dogs Solution Should I Use?

ThunderEase® for Dogs comes in 3 different forms: a plug in diffuser, a collar, or a spray.  All of the ThunderEase products use the same great pheromones, they are simply emitted different ways.  

If your dog gets nervous during travel or vet visits, the spray is a great option for you, because you can take it wherever you go!  You can also use ThunderEase® calming spray in conjunction with the ThunderShirt® for extra calming - there is a patch specifically for the ThunderEase® spray on the ThunderShirt®.  This pair works great for things like travel, fireworks, thunder storms, or separation stress!  While all of our products are effective individually, they work even better when used together!     

If you are having continuous issues, like general fearfulness and uneasiness in the home, separation stress, or fear of sudden or loud noises (like the doorbell, or a delivery truck), we recommend the calming collar or calming diffuser, because the calming effects of the pheromones will be present all day long. 

How to Use the ThunderEase® Calming Collar

The ThunderEase® Calming Collar for Dogs is extremely easy to use!  You simply put the collar on your dog - you'll want to tighten the collar snugly so it fits against your dog's body, but you want it loose enough so you can slide one to two fingers underneath.  Once you've attached the collar, you can trim off the excess at the end of the collar.  

ThunderEase® Calming Collar is activated by your dog's body heat, so it must remain in contact with your dog's skin in order to release the calming pheromones.  We recommend that you keep the collar on your dog at all times, except when bathed or exposed to significant amounts of water (ie: going swimming).  The collar will stop diffusing if wet, however it will begin working again once it is dry!   

One ThunderEase® collar lasts up to 30 days, so you should replace your collar every 4 weeks for the maximum calm for your pet.  Most pet parents will begin to see results within 7 days!

Note: The ThunderEase® Calming Collar is meant to be worn in conjunction with a normal collar.  Do not attach your leash to the ThunderEase® collar.  

Please view the ThunderEase® for Dogs - Calming Collar Instruction Sheet for additional information.    

* 2022 Customer Survey of 1,118 dog parents with 1,765 dogs conducted by Kantar Group & Affiliates on behalf of Ceva Animal Health

What are Pheromones?

How it works:

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