Find YOUR Calm

Choose a ThunderWorks® calming product based on your dog’s stress level, frequency, and duration.*



How do I choose the right product for me?

ThunderShirt® is our highest-rated and fastest-acting calming aid for all stress levels and anxiety types. ThunderEase® Diffusers and Collars are our most convenient calming aid for dogs that need continuous comfort. ThunderWunders® are our tasty chews to bring calm to your dog’s mild to moderate situational stress. ThunderEase® Spray is for “on the go” stress like travel and vet visits.

How do they work?

ThunderShirt® applies gentle, constant pressure similar to swaddling an infant. ThunderEase® mimics a nursing mother dog’s natural calming pheromones. ThunderWunders® includes ingredients that may promote calming such as Melatonin, L-tryptophan, and Hemp Seed. 

What if it doesn’t work for my dog?

Like with human anxiety and fears, all dogs are unique and may respond differently to different calming aids. ThunderEase® may be best for one dog, while ThunderShirt® or ThunderWunders® may be best for another. We recommend trying one calming aid based on our above guidelines. If you don’t see the results you are looking for, try another product or a combination of products. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you can return the product within 60-days under our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” for a refund of your purchase price.‡

Key Terms

Stress Level

Some common signs of stress include the following, but there are many, many more. Every dog is different.

Mild Stress Examples: light shaking, some clinginess, lip licking, yawning, tail tucking.
Moderate/Advanced Stress Examples:  constant whining or barking; heavy shaking; heavy drooling; indoor urination or defecation; prolonged licking or pacing; destructive chewing or scratching.**

Stress Frequency

Occasional: Your dog just needs calming periodically, NOT every day. For situations like: fear of thunder or fireworks, travel, vet visits, visitors.
Every day: Your dog needs calming support most days.  For situations like: separation or general fearfulness.

Stressor Duration

Stressor duration refers to how long your dog needs continuous calming during a single stressful event or situation.

Examples include:

  • <4 hours: passing thunderstorm, fireworks
  • 4-10 hours: long car trip, vet visit
  • >10 hours: being left alone all day, general fearfulness

Still not sure?

*All dogs are unique. Results may vary significantly depending on behavioral training, the presence of other pets and other environmental factors. 
†Based on consumer surveys and reviews.
‡See for details.
**Consult your veterinarian if severe symptoms persist.
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